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All are in PDF format and will open in a new window.




ADDENDUM C - Rescinded on 12/6/2019

R-326-23 A Resolution to Lift the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration for the Colorado River Indian Tribes and Rescind the Employee Vaccination Policy and Policy for COVID-19 Exposures

Colorado River Indian Tribes Policy Related to COVID-19 Exposure in the Workplace

Colorado River Indian Tribes Employee COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Policy

Resolution No. 441-22 to Modify the "Mandate to Wear Face Coverings to Slow the Spread of COVID-19"
November 1, 2022

Resolution No. R-434-11 - A Resolution to Delegate the Investigative Authority of the CRIT Chairman and Other Department Supervisors to an Independent Third-Party Investigator for Alleged Personnel Misconducts

Resolution No. R-436-11 - A Resolution to Utilize an Independent Hearings Officer for Step 2 of the Employee Grievance Process

Resolution No. R-294-21 - A Resolution to Suspend all Non-Essential Travel Outside the CRIT Reservation for the Remainder of FY 2021 for the Colorado River Indian Tribes

Resolution No. R-460-21 - A Resoution to Approve Modifications to the Policy Related to COVID-19 Exposure in the Workplace - Updated 12/1/2021

Resolution No. R-458-21 - A Resolution to  Approve a Modification to the Employee COVID-19 Vaccination Policy - Updated 12/1/2021

Resolution No. R-566-21 - A Resolution to Approve a Limited Moratorium on the COVID-19 Employee Vaccination Policy - Updated 1/4/2022